PRIDE training programs Heading link
PRIDE offers training programs and resources to support employment for refugees and asylum seekers with disabilities.
Training materials are password-protected and accessible only to authorized refugees with disabilities, authorized service providers, authorized project partners and the PRIDE team.
Disability awareness training and resources

Disability awareness training and resources for providers and peer mentors
This training increases provider knowledge and awareness of disability rights and resources.
Rights-based refugee employment and support

Rights-based refugee employment and support training
PRIDE offers a training curriculum and project-based vocational assessment inventory of new and adapted instruments and measures. This helps individual refugees with disabilities get a comprehensive picture of their vocational interests, skill sets and resource needs, which is important in developing a personal employment plan.
Explanation of programs Heading link
The training programs include information and resources relevant to each target audience. Our IRB-approved training programs have been fully developed and administered. Sensitive materials are posted on a password-protected platform.
Logos Heading link

This product was developed under a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (grant #90IF0110-01-00). However, contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the NIDILRR, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.