
Library of resources Heading link
PRIDE has collected a library of information related to refugees and disability that focuses on employment and careers.
The library, which we will continue to update, is available for refugees with disabilities, their families and communities; PRIDE partners; researchers, policymakers and employers; and the public.
Books and journal articles
Vulnerable Or Invisible?: Asylum Seekers with Disabilities in Europe
Straimer, C. (2010). Vulnerable Or Invisible?: Asylum Seekers with Disabilities in Europe. UNHCR, Policy Development and Evaluation Service.
Service Needs and Service Gaps Among Refugees with Disabilities Resettled in the United States
Mirza, M., & Heinemann, A.W. (2012). Service needs and service gaps among refugees with disabilities resettled in the United States. Disability and Rehabilitation, 34(7), 542-552.
Given the Chance: An Evaluation of an Employment and Education Pathways Program for Refugees
Mestan, K. (2008). Given the Chance: An evaluation of an employment and education pathways program for refugees. Victoria, AUS. Brotherhood of St. Laurence.
Working for a Better Life: Longitudinal Evidence of the Predictors of Employment among Recently Arrived Refugee Migrant Men Living in Australia
Correa-Velez, I., Barnett, A. G., & Gifford, S. (2013). Working for a better life: Longitudinal evidence of the predictors of employment among recently arrived refugee migrant men living in Australia. International Migration, 53(2), 321-337. doi: 10.1111/imig.12099
An Empirical Study of Employment and Disability Over Three Years Among Survivors of Major Disasters
Rasco, S. S., & North, C. S. (2010). An empirical study of employment and disability over three years among survivors of major disasters. Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Online, 38(1), 80-86.
Stories from the Margins: Refugees with Disabilities Rebuilding Lives
Elder, B. C. (2015). Stories from the margins: Refugees with disabilities rebuilding lives. Societies Without Borders, 10(1), 2.
‘All Doors are Closed to Us’: A Social Model Analysis of the Experiences of Disabled Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Britain
Harris, J. (2003). ‘All Doors are Closed to Us’: A social model analysis of the experiences of disabled refugees and asylum seekers in Britain. Disability & Society, 18(4), 395-410.
UNRWA: Through the Eyes of its Refugee Employees in Jordan
Farah, R. (2009). UNRWA: Through the eyes of its refugee employees in Jordan. Refugee Survey Quarterly, 28(2-3), 389-411.
Resettlement for Disabled Refugees
Mirza, M. (2010). Resettlement for disabled refugees. Forced Migration Review, 35, 30-31.
World Report on Disability 2011
World Health Organization. (2011). World report on disability 2011. Available from:
Refugees, Recent Migrants and Employment: Challenging Barriers and Exploring Pathways
McKay, S. (Ed.). (2008). Refugees, recent migrants and employment: challenging barriers and exploring pathways. Routledge.
Challenges to Employment in Newly Emerging African Communities in Australia: A Review of the Literature
Abdelkerim, A. A., & Grace, M. (2012). Challenges to employment in newly emerging African communities in Australia: A review of the literature. Australian Social Work, 65(1), 104-119.
Disabilities among Refugees and Conflict-affected Populations
Reilly, R. (2010). Disabilities among refugees and conflict-affected populations. Forced Migration Review, (35), 8.
Understanding Disability under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Impact on International Refugee and Asylum Law
Peterson, V. (2013). Understanding disability under the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its impact on international refugee and asylum law. Georgia Journal of International & Comparative Law, 42, 687.
The Economic and Social Outcomes of Refugees in the United States: Evidence from the ACS
Evans, W. N., & Fitzgerald, D. (2017). The economic and social outcomes of refugees in the United States: evidence from the ACS (No. w23498). National Bureau of Economic Research.
The Social Determinants of Refugee Mental Health in the Post-migration Context: A Critical Review
Hynie, M. (2018). The social determinants of refugee mental health in the post-migration context: A critical review. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 63(5), 297-303.
Enabling Refugee and IDP Law and Policy: Implications of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Stein, M. A., & Lord, J. E. (2011). Enabling refugee and IDP law and policy: Implications of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Arizona Journal of International & Comparative Law, 28, 401.
Emotional Distress, Medical Utilization, and Disability Claims in Adult Refugees
Cronkright, P., & Lupone, C. D. (2018). Emotional Distress, Medical Utilization, and Disability Claims in Adult Refugees. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 20(2), 339-344.
Fostering Community-academic Partnerships to Promote Employment Opportunities for Refugees with Disabilities: Accomplishments, Dilemmas, and Deliberations
Mirza, M. P., Hasnain, R., & Duke, K. B. (2018). Fostering community-academic partnerships to promote employment opportunities for refugees with disabilities: Accomplishments, dilemmas, and deliberations. Societies, 8(3), 86. doi:10.3390/soc8030086
Occupational Experiences of Forced Migrants: A Scoping Review
Huot, S., Kelly, E., & Park, S. J. (2016). Occupational experiences of forced migrants: A scoping review. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 63(3), 186-205. doi:10.1111/1440-1630.12261
Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Migrants: Steps on the Education and Employment Progression Journey
Houghton, A. M., & Morrice, L. (2008). Refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants: steps on the education and employment progression journey. National Institute of Adult Continuing Education.
Employment and Earnings Outcomes for Recently Arrived Refugees in Portland, Maine
Allen, R. (2006). Employment and earnings outcomes for recently arrived refugees in Portland, Maine. State of Maine Department of Labor, Division of Labor Market Information Services.
Refugees and Employment: The Effect of Visible Difference on Discrimination – Final Report
Colic-Peisker, V., & Tilbury, F. (2007). Refugees and employment: The effect of visible difference on discrimination.
Social Protection and Employment for Syrian Refugees in Jordan
Kattaa, M. (2015). Social protection and employment for Syrian refugees in Jordan. In Conference on Networks for Regulating Decent Work, Geneva.
Person-family Centered Transition Planning: Improving Post-school Outcomes to Culturally Diverse Youth and Families
Achola, E. O., & Greene, G. (2016). Person-family centered transition planning: Improving post-school outcomes to culturally diverse youth and families. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 45(2), 173-183.
Advocating for Disabled Refugees
Winter, E. (2018). Advocating for disabled refugees.
Models of Collaboration Between Workforce Investment and Refugee Resettlement Stakeholders
Models of Collaboration: Between Workforce Investment and … (n.d.).
Understanding Labor Market Information For Agencies/Programs Serving Refugees
Understanding Labor Market Information For Agencies/Programs Serving Refugees [PPT]. (2014, July 10). Office of Refugee Resettlement Webinar.
Disability employment resources
Resource Guide for Serving Refugees with Disabilities
Blankenship, D. & Madson, N. (2007). Resource Guide for Serving Refugees with Disabilities.Washington, DC: USCRI.
Social Agenda: Adequate Pensions
Servoz, M. (2016). Social Agenda: Adequate Pensions by European Commission (February 2016). European Union.
Job Seekers and Employers – Discover the Power of Work
Building Bridges to Economic Self Sufficiency: Employment and Training
Business, employer and workforce resources
Supporting Workplace Success for Refugees: How Workforce Agencies can Collaborate with Refugee Programs
Shir, A., Jones, L. & Jordan, B. (2014). [PDF Document]. Supporting Workplace Success for Refugees: How Workforce Agencies can Collaborate with Refugee Programs
Job Seekers Toolkit – Employment Marketing Skills
McCrory, P. (n.d.). Job Seekers Toolkit – Employment Marketing Skills. Charlotte, North Carolina: NC Vocational Rehabilitation Services Health and Human Services.
ICED – Interagency Committee on Employees with Disabilities
Refugee One Employee Partners
Refugee One Resources
Understanding Labor Market Information for Agencies/Programs Serving Refugees
Understanding Labor Market Information for Agencies/Programs Serving Refugees. (2014). [PDF Document].
Theses and dissertations
Making Sense of Three-way Conversations
“Making sense of three-way conversations: A qualitative study of cross-cultural counseling with refugee men,” International Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Insurance Coverage for Rehabilitation Therapies
“Insurance coverage for rehabilitation therapies and association with social participation outcomes among low-income children,” Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved
Working With Clients With Limited English Proficiency
“Working With Clients With Limited English Proficiency: Mapping Language Access in Occupational Therapy,” Occupational Therapy in Healthcare
General information
Refugee Training and Orientation: A Guide for Service Providers
Abrams, D. M. (2014). Refugee Training and Orientation: A Guide for Service Providers (B. S. Dean, Ed.). Washington, DC, Washington: Center for Applied Linguistics – Cultural Orientation Resource Center.
Washington State Legislature: Refugee employment and training services
DeafCAN! – Immigrants and Refugees
Spotlight on SSI Benefits for Aliens – 2018 Edition
Government, legal reports and human rights
Disabilities Among Refugees and Conflict-affected Populations – Women’s Refugee Commission
Women’s Refugee Commission (2008). Disabilities among refugees and conflict-affected populations. New York, NY: Women’s Refugee Commission.
Defending Your Rights – Disability Rights
Disability Rights Bureau – Disability Complaint Form
Disability Rights Bureau – Disability Complaint Form
Data, statistics and facts
Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Global Refugee Compact
Griffo, G. & Falavigna, M. (2017). Inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Global Refugee Compact.
Disabled People in Refugee and Asylum Seeking Communities
Roberts, K., & Harris, J. (2002). Disabled people in refugee and asylum seeking communities. Policy Press for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Employment Work and Vocational Education & Training
Fembrek, M., Heindorf, I., Kainz, W., & Saupe, A. (2017). Employment Work and Vocational Education & Training (Ser. 2017). Vienna, Austria: Essl Foundation. Zero Project Report.
Micro and Macro Determinants of Refugee Economic Status
Tripodi, M. P. (2001). Micro and macro determinants of refugee economic status. Journal of Social Service Research, 27(4), 33-60.
ADOPT – Persons with Disabilities Success Stories
Persons with Disabilities Success Stories. (n.d.). Illinois: Asians with Disabilities Outreach Project Think-Tank.
Work Rehabilitation Questionnaire (WORQ): Development and Preliminary Psychometric Evidence of an ICF-Based Questionnaire for Vocational Rehabilitation
Finger, M. E., Escorpizo, R., Bostan, C., & De Bie, R. (2014). Work Rehabilitation Questionnaire (WORQ): development and preliminary psychometric evidence of an ICF-based questionnaire for vocational rehabilitation. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 24(3), 498-510.
Off the Boat, Now Off to Work: Refugees in the Labour Market in Portland, Maine
Mamgain, V., & Collins, K. (2003). Off the boat, now off to work: Refugees in the labour market in Portland, Maine. Journal of Refugee Studies, 16(2), 113-146.
The Role of Social Capital in Immigrant and Refugee Economic Adaptation
Potocky-Tripodi, M. (2004). The role of social capital in immigrant and refugee economic adaptation. Journal of Social Service Research, 31(1), 59-91.
Constructing Gender: Refugee Women Working in the United States
Koyama, J. (2014). Constructing gender: Refugee women working in the United States. Journal of Refugee Studies, 28(2), 258-275.
Do Cultural Competency Interventions Work: a Systematic Review on Improving Rehabilitation Outcomes for Ethnically and Linguistically Diverse Individuals with Disabilities
Hasnain, R., Kondratowicz, D. M., Borokhovski, E., Nye, C., Balcazar, F., Portillo, N., … & Gould, R. (2011). Do cultural competency interventions work: a systematic review on improving rehabilitation outcomes for ethnically and linguistically diverse individuals with disabilities. FOCUS Technical Brief, 31, 1-12.
Occupational Upheaval During Resettlement and Migration: Findings of Global Ethnography with Refugees with Disabilities
Mirza, M. (2012). Occupational upheaval during resettlement and migration: Findings of global ethnography with refugees with disabilities. OTJR: occupation, participation and health, 32(1_suppl), S6-S14.
Service Needs and Service Gaps Among Refugees with Disabilities Resettled in the United States
Mirza, M., & Heinemann, A. W. (2012). Service needs and service gaps among refugees with disabilities resettled in the United States. Disability and Rehabilitation, 34(7), 542-552.
Validation of the ICF Core Set for Vocational Rehabilitation from the Perspective of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury Using Focus Groups
Aiachini, B., Cremascoli, S., Escorpizo, R., & Pistarini, C. (2016). Validation of the ICF Core Set for Vocational Rehabilitation from the perspective of patients with spinal cord injury using focus groups. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(4), 337-345.
Improving Refugee Integration through Data-driven Algorithimic Assignment
Bansak, K., Ferwerda, J., Hainmueller, J., Dillon, A., Hangartner, D., Lawrence, D., & Weinstein, J. (2018). Improving refugee integration through data-driven algorithmic assignment. Science, 359(6373), 325-329.
The Long-term Impact of Employment Bans on the Economic Integration of Refugees
Marbach, M., Hainmueller, J., & Hangartner, D. (2018). The long-term impact of employment bans on the economic integration of refugees. Science Advances, 4(9), eaap9519.
Making the Refugee Multiple: The Effects of Classification Work
Aiachini, B., Cremascoli, S., Escorpizo, R., & Pistarini, C. (2016). Validation of the ICF Core Set for Vocational Rehabilitation from the perspective of patients with spinal cord injury using focus groups. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38(4), 337-345.
Labour Market Integration of Refugees in Norway under Changing Macro-Economic Conditions
Blom, S. (2004). Labour market integration of refugees in Norway under changing macro-economic conditions. Journal of International Migration and Integration/Revue de l’integration et de la migration internationale, 5(1), 1-31.
Migration Experiences, Employment Status and Psychological Distress among Somali Immigrants: a Mixed-method International Study
Warfa, N., Curtis, S., Watters, C., Carswell, K., Ingleby, D., & Bhui, K. (2012). Migration experiences, employment status and psychological distress among Somali immigrants: a mixed-method international study. BMC Public Health, 12(1), 749.
Determinants of Labor Market Participation and Wages of North Korean Female Refugees in South Korea
Yu, S. E., KIM, B. Y., Jeon, W. T., & Jung, S. H. (2012). Determinants of labor market participation and wages of North Korean female refugees in South Korea. Asian Economic Policy Review, 7(1), 113-129.
For Refugees, the Road to Employment in the United States Is Paved With Workable Uncertainties and Controversies
Koyama, J. (2017, September). For refugees, the road to employment in the United States is paved with workable uncertainties and controversies. In Sociological Forum (Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 501-521).
Immigration Trends’ Impacts on State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Minority Application Rates: An Empirical Forecast Model Demonstration Study
Moore, C. L., Wang, N., Eugene-Cross, K., & Washington, A. L. (2016). Immigration trends’ impacts on state vocational rehabilitation agency minority application rates: An empirical forecast model demonstration study. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 45(2), 197-212.